Paying your rent is a pretty straightforward exchange. You pay the due amount and in return, you get to continue using your apartment or real estate. But what if it didn’t stop there? What if you could earn something more in the process?

If your landlord has already signed up to Ajar Online for rent collection, you can also benefit from the many rewards and discounts we offer. How?

Ajar Credit Card Payments

1. Pay by credit card

Many shy away from paying their rent by credit card to avoid amassing any extra fees. However, such a regular payment could in fact boost your credit card reward points and get you closer to any spending bonuses your bank may offer. Not only is it more convenient to pay rent by credit card, you can also get some of that money back.


2. AjarRewards 

Ajar Online has partnered with leading companies to offer tenants exclusive discounts. Rental payments made through Ajar can earn tenants valuable discounts, ranging from rebates on vacations and trips to amazing deals on goods and services. Rewards and discounts are available all year round and cover both Kuwait and the UAE. Partners include Careem, FixAid, SRVME, Floward, Rehlat, JustMop, Ubuy, Joboy and many more.

3.  Monthly giveaways

Ajar Online offers monthly giveaways and awards for tenants who use its online platform to make their payments. Pay securely through Ajar Online using a credit card or a debit card to enter the draw and win valuable rewards. Ajar tenants have already won 1,000KD worth of giveaways this month alone through its partnership with NBK. Every month brings new chances to earn valuable giveaways and Ajar will even offer exclusive cash prizes during special holidays. 

What are you waiting for? Unlock your rewards and get more for your money with Ajar Online!

Categories: Tips & Tricks

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