Landlords often report that communication is the most time-consuming aspect of property management, while for tenants, bad communication can sometimes cause damages or come at a high cost.
With today’s many communication channels available, how can that still be the case?
Missed phone calls, voice messages that are left unheard, SMS messages that never reach their destination, a bad network reception, and many other scenarios can in fact hinder the communication process and make it harder to get things done.
Ajar’s message center allows both tenants and landlords to keep the conversation flow going, no matter where they are in the world. With Ajar Online, landlords and tenants are never more than a click away.

A two-way communication tool, the Ajar message center keeps track of discussions, making it easier for both parties to go back and double check the points they agreed on. What time did the landlord schedule that maintenance appointment? Was my complaint registered and received?
As a landlord, the message center is a unified platform that lets you keep track of all received and sent requests from all your tenants across all your real estate properties. Be it an issue of maintenance, a complaint, or a reminder, stay on top of it all and contact your tenants directly. All you have to do is access the center through your property management dashboard. And for even better follow-up, change the status of each request from “open” to “in progress”, “on hold” or “complete” to know exactly where you stand.
Even more, the Ajar message center gives you the opportunity to build and improve your landlord-tenant relationship. Have new tenants just moved into a property you manage? Make them feel at home and stay available to answer all their questions. Why not send them good wishes during the holidays or perhaps a happy birthday message. Remember, a good rental relationship can save you both money and headaches, as studies have shown that each tenant turnover can cost the landlord between $1,000 and $5,000.
As a tenant, the Ajar message center was designed to help you get things done on time and as easily as possible. We all know that not all maintenance requests can wait. A leak that threatens to flood your kitchen for example makes no time for missed phone calls or a bad roaming connection.
The message center was also designed to give you a voice. By having all your conversations with your landlord or property manager in one place, you are better equipped to give appropriate and constructive feedback or make a complaint, without the frustration or awkwardness that could sometimes accompany such situations. It is safe, easy to use and easy to access. Simply click on your latest payment link.
Lease management is about much more than organizing rental collections. It’s about building a trusting and communicative relationship between landlords and tenants for the benefit and happiness of both. The Ajar message center was built for exactly this purpose.